Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Statue of St. Therese weeps blood, Baguio Philippines

St. Therese weeping tears of blood

 Baguio Hilltop Cathedral

July 14, 2004 - Statue of St. Therese in Baguio weeps blood. Reported Baguio City- Roman Catholic devotees started flocking to the Baguio Cathedral on Tuesday morning after hearing reports of a wooden statue of St. Therese reportedly shedding tears of blood. As early as 6 a.m. Tuesday, a number of Catholic followers waited outside the Cathedral to open its doors after Fr. Vicente Castro, the parish priest, confirmed that St. Therese indeed wept blood.

Castro told reporters he came to know about it when his male assistant informed him that two women churchgoers wiped with tissue paper the blood that reportedly came out from the eyes of St. Therese. He said they convinced the women to turn over the tissue to them for possible laboratory examination to see if it is indeed human blood. The parish priest, however, learned it was churchgoer Christopher Fergis, 26, who first noticed the statue was crying and informed other devotees who were left behind after the Monday afternoon mass. Fergis told reporters he was wondering why he decided to stay after the mass, claiming an unknown force brought him to stand before the statue of St. Therese, where he witnessed it weeping blood.

"When I was in front of the St. Therese statue, I heard voices coming from nowhere and was telling me we should pray for unity and pray for our leaders," Fergis said as several devotees tried to approach and ask him of what he had witnessed. He revealed he's been dreaming about Mother Mary for almost a week and decided to attend a mass at the Baguio Cathedral on Monday afternoon.

Some parishioners who flocked to the Baguio Cathedral said they prayed for peace for the while world while some said they prayed for the release of Angelo de la Cruz, a Filipino being held hostage by Iraqi rebels and threatened with beheading if the Philippine government would not pull out its humanitarian troops from Iraq. The "weeping" of blood by St. Therese statue occurred four days ahead the 14th commemoration of the July 16, 1990 killer temblor that devastated Baguio and its environs, killing thousands of residents and visitors.